HALO at Large!

New happenings with HALO!! So, since our wonderful experience at IC&C last year, we were inspired with the idea of expanding our quartet into an umbrella organization. With the aim of infusing diversity into the Barbershop community, we are bringing together a larger group of culturally diverse singers who embrace this genre as part of the rich heritage of African-American music. In doing so, it is our goal to further serve as a community model for the peaceful dialogue and intentional outreach across color lines and cultural barriers that mislead us unto believing that we are separate!

On Saturday, March 12- we’ve taken the first step in making that happen!


HALO “Ussie!”

“Sing parties” have been part of the African American livelihood as a remnant of the culture our ancestors thrived in before being brought to American shores. Musicality is part of our human essence, which simply brings us closer in sharing and expressing together. So we reached out to friends, family, and associates of all sorts telling them about our vision for this group– it has been so exciting to see how inspired others also felt about engaging this initiative. We even had a Sweet Adeline’s chorus director from New Hampshire join us; it was a breakthrough waiting to happen in barbershop! And what an amazing time we had together, indeed.




Everyone ate, HALO sang, we talked about our vision and experience to a room full of lots of women who’d barely sang in a long time (if ever outside of their showers!), let alone been to any barbershop event– and the inspiration for the vision caught like a forest fire. Then, of course- we got THEM singing! And as usual, now there are even more people in love with the beautiful experience that is Barbershop. Harmony, Inc. can look forward to some new faces in the audience this year- we can’t wait to show them what being part of a barbershop family is like and to connect with our sisters in Bella Nova. Can’t wait for our next meeting!



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